North County Veterans Stand Down (NCVSD)
The North County Veterans Stand Down is an annual four-day event in Vista, California, that enables homeless and struggling Veterans from across San Diego County to receive much-needed services in a safe, friendly, drug-free and secure environment.
During their stay at the NCVSD, our guest veterans, their families and pets receive food, lodging, clothing and a variety of services to help them both physically and mentally. Services include homeless court, dental services, eyeglass services, and more.
Since the first Stand Down in 2017, more and more Veterans have been moved into stable housing with the help of the NCVSD and its affiliates.
Many of our Post and Auxiliary members volunteer their time to the North County Stand Down by serving as board members, taking on projects to assist the efforts of the Stand Down, or volunteer their time during this event.
Visit ncstanddown.org for more information